Wednesday, 11 March 2015


Uses of gratification theory

It is an active audience theory that focuses on 'what people do with the media' rather than what the media does to people.

Surveillance (what’s going on in the world)
Correlation (two things that match (relationship)
Entertainment (making the audience laugh and entertained)
Cultural transmission (messages and values going from different cultures)

Diversion (escape from everyday problems)
Personal relationships (for emotion and other interaction)
Personal identity (finding yourself reflected in texts, learning behaviour and values from texts)
Surveillance (information which found be useful for living)

My Short Film - Nina…

  • ·       Personal Identity – my target audience, male and female, mostly female, aged 13+ as anyone who may have experienced similar issues, or seen similar things happen to people they know. The feelings expressed through the film and how the ending is unsolved leaving it on a disequilibrium, is more realistic approach to the whole situation as it is most likely some people may be left scarred from previous experience with bullying throughout their childhood, which still may phase them even at a later age.
  • ·       …Also links to correlation and how my target audience and they main character may match and link together as the audience may feel the exact same way.
  • ·       Surveillance – the subject matter of bullying and abuse that many people or children may be experiencing that a lot of people are unaware of is important. Whether someone who is or was a bully (oppositional reading) that is the one watching the short film could possible make and help them see a different perspective of things, and what it is like to be the other person on the other side being the one who’s actually getting bullied or abused. Also reaches out to my audience to make them aware of what they are oblivious to what is happening around them.
  • ·       Diversion – if my target audience may link to the subject matter, then when they watch it they may feel as though it’s an escape from everyday problems or situations they may face in their everyday lives. Also if they don’t have anyone to turn to and talk to at home or friends, then they may find it easier to watch the short film to help bring an understanding that they are not alone within these trapped feelings.

Two Step Flow audience theory

This theory may be used in my short film as people that may relate to what they are watching may pass on their deep opinions on the whole situation and the character of Nina to other people, friends, or family. This then becomes their opinion whether it is well and truly theirs or not. This could possibly be a really good thing as if a valid and strong opinion is shared about the idea of bullying is passed on to people that may not be aware of what is happening then it is opening other peoples eyes to help them also see. However, you could also argue that if one who shares similar experiences with the character of Nina then they may feel secluded and that they do not have anyone to talk to hence why they are watching the film and expressing feelings and emotions through that, preventing the word from spreading around.

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