Thursday, 16 October 2014

Textual Analysis on Student Short Film - Paralysis

The film trailer is about the journey following a mother's quest to cure her possessed son.
Although this is a very different genre to my short film, I was still able to analyse the creativity of it and the use of different camerawork techniques. 
Firstly, I strongly like the different camera shots as I feel as though they help the film trailer look ver professional. For example, I like the shot near the beginning at around 43 seconds in, where we see the title boy in bed. There is a close up of his face expressing his worried facial expressions, also a tripod isn't used here and it is a little shaky, however, I feel as though this is very significant as you see this a lot in films, especially, horror and action. Shortly after this at 52 seconds in, we see the young protagonist looking at a book, the shot is a high angle shot looking looking over the boys head. The silhouette of the boys head contrasting with the lightness of the book emphasises what he is doing helping it make it clear to the target audience what he is doing. The range of different shots whilst he is looking through the book help portray what the director/producer is capable of when producing a film trailer. Lastly,towards the end we begin to see a range of wide shots of the boys to help establish the location and background. Although these wide shots are flashbacks within the film, the forest setting and the abandoned looking place help portray a contrast with the rest of the film, emphasising the possessed protagonist within the storyline.

On the other hand, looking at conventions of short films, we can see that this student short film has followed the convention of having a small cast. However, quite a lot of locations are used as opposed to my own short film. You could argue that a number of locations are used because it is a trailer for a film, but to prevent confusion and to keep it clear to the audience, fewer locations should be used as if the target audience get confused they are likely to stop watching it. The following of conventions in the trailer would've helped keep a small budget as there is a small cast and the talent were most likely unpaid as it was produced by a student, also although there was a number of different locations, they were mostly outside, this would have obviously been free to use as would the school and house location/setting.

Sound is very important in this film trailer. For example, he uses non-diegteic sound; glitches which are used to help create a scary and tense atmosphere helping engage the audience. Along with these glitches we see a sudden white glow above the image happening at the same time as the sound f the glitches. This suggests that perhaps the producer/director made r downloaded the sound from youtube and then added it onto his editing of his film in the post production stage. The sound matching the image helps create a professional look also helping it stand out from others. There is also a use of non-diegetic music put over the top of the film image. This music helps set an atmosphere as without music it would be rather boring! Therefore, when producing my short film I will ensure that I definitely include non-diegetic sound, one being music for sure as I know it will help set a tone to it whilst engaging the audience bringing an understanding of what is happening. However, due to my short film having a complete different genre, I will still try to incorporate a non-diegteic sounds, perhaps a heart beat? that will bring a sense of drama and threat upon the character and audience rather than a thrill.

Secondly, lighting is a significant part to think and plan about when preparing and filming. A lot of the lighting used in this film trailer is probably natural light as some scenes are quite dark, although this may have been done on purpose as it has a very dark and thrilling atmosphere. Natural lighting is specifically used towards the end where the protagonist is seen outside in a forest surrounding and then followed by a dark muddy area outside. I figured that these shots would have been filmed during the day before it got dark so he could use the natural lighting as due to a low budget, supplying enough light to film in the dark would have been expensive to either hire to buy. Lighting is an important thing to think about she it comes to filming and planning my short film. With no budget, I plan to use nothing but natural light, this is why most of my short film will be shot outside to be it easier considering it will be the first short film I have ever attempted to produce, direct, edit... all by myself!

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