Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Prelim Task Planning

In order for me to produce my prelim task, 'A Day In The Life Of Shoes', planning for it was a big must as it is essential to a plan.
For example; 

  • Initial idea - this is what I started with in the first place. We were told to end the title ourselves.. "A Day In The Life Of..." which was potentially our initial idea. My idea was 'shoes' so  I started to think and brainstorm all the different ideas that I could use.
  • Brainstorming - this is when I gathered all the different ideas for my prelim task. Firstly, I thought I could film close ups of different peoples feet an shoes on their journey to a dance class or something practical where the type of shoes they'd end up in was to do with the practicality. However, with the one minute deadline I realised that this was probably unachievable as it would take too long to film and edit all together, especially with no experience in filming or editing on FinalCut Pro! When looking at these initial brainstorming ideas I realised that the idea of the close ups of the different shoes was a good idea and that id put them all together to have this continuous flow of different shoes as though worn by the same person. 
  • Filming - before I started filming I had to plan the equipment I was going to use, the actors I would use and finally the time and callings for the actors. As I wasn't very familiar with different cameras and the different techniques so I continued to use the cameras available at my school as I figured they would be easier to access, and also free! I also thought id use the tripods available at school for similar reasons. The actors I decided to use school students who attend the same school, as I would have a range of different school shoes, and those who are in mufti in sixth form would have a range of different stylish shoes. I also planned that when it came to using these actors for their shoes, I would ask around quietly if any could pop out of their lesson for 5 minutes, I will also film students in smaller groups so they won't be out their lesson for long. 

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